The West practises selective dudgeon
Saudi Arabia and Bahrain grease our wheels, so they're all right
The Banker Who Cant Get Out of Qatar
Proctor thought he had found a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to build a Gulf
financial powerhouse at Al-Khaliji Bank. It didn't work out. But almost a year
after he was removed as chief executive Proctor's life is in limbo, as Qatar's
authorities decline to grant him an exit visa that would reunite him with his
family. Eric Ellis investigates
Dubai's debt crisis - A 'new paradigm' built
on sand
At Dubai's soaring, spurious peak, one factoid the emirate's bling-burdened battalion of 'corporate communications consultants' liked to slip to junketing media was that Dubai had the world's densest concentration of cranes. Impossible to verify but too good to ignore, the glib observation almost always made it into media reports. It compelled people to want to go where the action was: subliminally, it suggested an economy where the fast buck came easy
The Dubai 'miracle' was always a mirage of spin
NOW that the external impact of Dubai's sovereign debt crisis seems to have passed, for now at least, what's the big lesson from this drama-in-the-dunes? I think it boils down quite simply...
The unspoken truth - February 7, 2007
Dubai's economic model seems to rely on the truth that dare not speak its name, the exploitation of foreign labour, writes road warrior Eric Ellis
Dubai's rags-to-riches miracle built on the toil of exploited foreign workers
Today, in the Arabian emirate of Dubai, the great and good of the Australian Football League will slap the backs of local expatriates and home-grown potentates in a dollar-drenched celebration of all things Australian, Dubaian and corporate
Hot spots, pot shots and gold pots for the brazen and the bold
Compile a fake CV, head for a war zone, and a fortune in taxpayers' dollars can be yours
The US fears a P&O terror takeover, but Middle East petrodollars are welcome in Australia
The Battle of the (Very Hot) City-States
At Dubai's airport Emirates rules the runways
Aviation gas is up. Ticket prices are up and United is in trouble – again. But Emirates is thriving and with 90 new planes landing soon, its boss is expecting competitors to squeal