THE QUIET inlets of Uliss Bay provide
shocking evidence of the depths to which Vladivostok has sunk since the collapse
of the Soviet Union and the mighty military-industrial complex that nourished
this city in
Wild East
The Old Vlad Now A City Of Villains
A morning jog in Vladivostok, Russia's schizophrenic, rusting port closer to Beijing, Tokyo, Seoul and Hong Kong than to Moscow, means taking your life in your hands
Honest Victor, The Man Who Puts The Stock In Vladivostok
Viktor Sakharov admits to owning just 32 shares, with a collective value of no more than several thousand roubles, a few hundred dollars. "Of course, I am like any normal man, I want to have some money but I only do this for my salary," says the former marine biologist, now president of the Vladivostok Stock Exchange.
Marx Men Sink A Few Schooners With A 21-gun Salut!
It was John Elliott who wanted to "Fosterise" the world, but even in his wildest dreams he probably wouldn't have imagined the Royal Australian Navy helping. Vladivostok dignitaries - that is, the ones mostly identified by the former Communist Party apparatchik who doubles as Australia's honorary consul in this rusting seaport - will today toast the launch of Foster's Lager in the frosty Russian Far East.