Orascom: A very modern tale of corporate finance

How do you solve a problem like Korea?

Korea survives the fall-out

Perhaps it's not sufficiently dramatic for South Koreans to have the world's craziest regime as their northern neighbour, with its twitchy nuclear finger. It seems they might need to be spooked some more - and what better bogeyman than the foreign-derived global financial crisis?

Hole in Jong

Word has it North Korea's Dear Leader is a golfing legend

Kim's Komrades

Asia Buzz:

If North Korea's Dear Leader Kim Jong Il really wants to open up to the world, he's going to have to do a lot more than get a new wardrobe so he can stop looking like a gas station attendant.

Dear Leader and the Golf War 


The first hole at the Pyongyang Golf Club is a 340-metre dogleg par four, a severe test of skill even for Normans and Nicklauses.

But it was a mere cakewalk for North Korea's "Dear Leader", Kim Jong-il, when he gave "on-the-spot guidance" at the country's only golf club recently.

Pyongyang Pastorale: Pedalling propaganda by the Paddy


It seemed an image of rural harmony in developing Asia - a woman riding a pushbike beside a paddy field where peasants were harvesting rice. But in communist North Korea, nothing is as it seems.

Getting the Lie of the Land in Kim's Kingdom


AFR Correspondent ERIC ELLIS, one of the few Western journalists to get inside North Korea, reports from Pyongyang on the remarkable power structure within the world's most sealed-off society.

Shady Dealings at Morning Light


The diplomatic world throws up few quirkier oddities than the Zokwang Import and Export Company in Macau's Avenida de Sidonia Pais.

Keeping Dear Leader's Score

An Occidental Tourist In The Land Of Kim


Eric Ellis, who recently visited North Korea, offers a rare Western insight into the world's most inscrutable society.