Jho says it ain’t so: Malaysian tycoon denies role in 1MDB ‘heist of the century’

Low Taek Jho’s high-rise lair in Hong Kong is the stuff of thrillers, appropriately enough for a young Penang-born tycoon cast by his countrymen as a mysterious villain whose shadowy dealings have exposed the secrets of Malaysia Inc. The intrigues are felt the moment one steps inside the stylish foyer of Jynwel Capital, his family’s private equity investment house based in downtown Central. A receptionist purrs that “Mr Low is expecting you” as a wall magically slides aside to reveal a minimalist ante-room framed by a panorama of the city’s harbour and the promise of China beyond.

Full article: http://www.euromoney.com/Article/3442824/Jho-says-it-aint-so-Malaysian-tycoon-denies-role-in-1MDB-heist-of-the-century.html?copyrightInfo=true